Sustainable ideas


Sustainable ideas

Burgers Made of Microalgae? Future food for thought

Burgers Made of Microalgae? Future food for thought

They're responsible for more than 75 percent of the Earth's oxygen supply, but often get no credit for it. Microalgae are single-celled organisms that photosynthetically convert carbon dioxide and sunlight into useful biochemical products, with oxygen as a byproduct....

Salt Water Potatoes Offer Hope For World’s Hungry

Salt Water Potatoes Offer Hope For World’s Hungry

A small field on an island off the Netherlands' northern coast promises one answer to the problem of how to feed the world's ever-growing population: potatoes and other crops that grow in saltwater. Every day, swathes of farmland somewhere in the world become unusable...

Living Inside A Greenhouse in Sweden

Living Inside A Greenhouse in Sweden

You may wonder why a family chooses to build their house inside a greenhouse. If you read what the benefits are, you wouldn't want anything else. Growing fruits in the winter Being able to grow your own vegetables and fruit outside the season is already an art in...

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