China in Africa News

China removes Pangolin scales from medicine list

Campaigners hope the move will help end global trade in the scaly anteater, identified as a possible host for Covid-19. Pangolin scales have been removed from an official 2020 listing of ingredients approved for use in traditional Chinese medicine in a move lauded by...

China Conquers Africa Completely by the End of 2019

China Conquers Africa Completely by the End of 2019

The devil is in the detail as China’s generosity towards African countries has peaked in recent years coinciding with the great economic vision and strides by the continent as a single body in the face of threats and sanctions from long-time allies, the United States...

Fishmeal factories in the Gambia

This is a mini documentary about the Chinese invasion of fishmeal factories in the Gambia seen through the eyes of the locals.

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