China To Take Over Zambia’s International Airport For Debt Repayment

Signing a contract with China is like, ascribing to the boiling frog effect; a fable describing a frog being boiled alive slowly.
If you drop a frog suddenly into boiling water, it will jump out, but if you put that same frog in a vessel of water and start heating the water gradually, it will adjust its body temperature accordingly until it reaches a stage beyond its capacity and dies foolishly.
It’s rather pathetic how China is re-colonizing Africa by appealing to the ignorance and selfish interests of our leaders.
Today, the Chinese are offering mouthwatering deals to Africa, both in cash transactions and the outmoded or rather defunct barter trade which seem very attractive on the outlook but dangerous in reality.
The Zambian government contracted the Chinese, lazy-thought and glossed over details thinking they were granting consent to genuine terms but the whole thing just morphed into modern day colonialism.
China is now proposing to take over the Kenneth Kaunda International Airport should Zambia Government fail to pay back its huge foreign debt on time.
The issue of whether Zambia posses the required economic muscle to repay that debt is in contention considering the amount involved. It’s typical of the Chinese strategy.
That moreover is not the only thing Zambian suffered from China; the Chinese own 60% shares of the Zambian National Broadcasting corporation which means, Chinese have an influence over what should or should not be premiered on their sets.
Ghana is equally towing same lane as our leaders have started signing contracts already; Chinese owned company, STARTIME is gradually gaining grounds over our major institutions, our biggest mining companies will soon be “taken” over by a Chinese company and many others.
Now if this is not modern day slavery, what then is it? The 21st century African slave is never in chain; we are in debt caused by the ignorance or selfish interests of our leaders. Pathetic!
Source: Dily Rant Ghana, Reporting by Richard Krah. & African Stand