24 November: Greenpeace tried to prevent a palm oil tanker from mooring in the ports of Rotterdam. The activists chained themselves to the tanker with Wilmar palm oil. Wilmar is the supplier of biscuit brand Oreo. Wilmars palm oil goes together with the destruction of the rainforest in Indonesia.
Live blog
15:14 - The climbers have been released. We pick them up again in 10 minutes!
12:46 - Mothership the Esperanza, which accompanied the climbers, has safely docked in Scheveningen
11:05 - Nu.nl pays attention to the action, read the article.
- Gereenpeace in an attempt to block the oil tanker full of palm oil heading to Wilmar (pivtures: Greenpeace)
- Gereenpeace in an attempt to block the oil tanker full of palm oil heading to Wilmar (pivtures: Greenpeace)
- Gereenpeace in an attempt to block the oil tanker full of palm oil heading to Wilmar (pivtures: Greenpeace)
- Gereenpeace in an attempt to block the oil tanker full of palm oil heading to Wilmar (pivtures: Greenpeace)
- Gereenpeace Gereenpeace in an attempt to block the oil tanker full of palm oil heading to Wilmar (pivtures: Greenpeace)in an attempt to block the oil tanker full of palm oil heading to Wilmar (pivtures: Greenpeace)
10:52 - The action has ended. Climbers are taken with a rubber boat from the police. New photos are still coming in.
10:39 - Our dinghies can no longer get close to palm oil ship Stolt. We can not get the climbers off the ship to break off the action.
9:50 - One of the climbers has a Go Pro on his helmet. We try to make a connection with the images. The climbers keep banners up with ‘Stop Wrong Palm Oil’.
9:36 - Three climbers are aboard the ship. You can follow the location of the ship ‘Stolt Tenacity’ on the website of Marine Traffic.
9:00 am - The first climber hangs on the ship.
Source article and images: Greenpeace Netherlands