ENVIRONMENTAL NEWSGambia environmental News
Film: Nation of Destruction - About Chinese Fishmeal Factories in the Gambia
Nation of Destruction is mini documentary made through the eyes of the locals. The people in Kartong, Sanyang and Gunjur are facing a massive environmental disaster since Chinese owned fishmeal factories started operating along Gambia's beaches. Green World Warrior...
VIDEO: How The Gambia is losing its forests in record speed
Gambians were full of hope when their new president Barrow was elected in 2016. Former president Jammeh was known for his love towards wildlife. Trees and forests however were not safe in any way. According to a 2015 report on the Chinese rosewood trade, around...
The Gambia is losing more forest cover in record speed
Gambia is losing forest is record speed.. There will soon come a time when no big tree will be left in our terrestrial ecologies and no fish in our aquatic ecosystems with highly polluted environment, prevalence of diseases and unplayable Chinese loans, then, there...
Gambia: Golden Lead Factory is poisoning Bolong Fenyo Wildlife Reserve AGAIN!
Bolong Fenyo Wildlife reserve, after the chinese came and installed a pipeline for their waste water While member states of UN Convention on Biological Diversity (UNCBD) are celebrating biodiversity day- under the theme: “our biodiversity, our food, our health”! The...
Gambia: Millions Of Dead Fish Wash Up Paradise Beach
Paradise Beach in Sanyang (The Gambia) Photo: A. Manjang Sanyang, a coastal village in The Gambia has been struck by another environmental disaster as millions of dead fish wash up 'Paradise beach'. Local environmentalist shot this footage the 9th of may. Since...
GAMBIA: Bamboo Forest At Jamburr Bulldozed
The only Bambo strip of forest situated behind the Nawec substation at Jamburr village in the West Coast Region of the Gambia, has been bulldozed to the ground by one Modou Jammeh, who claims ownership of the said Land. The whole strip of bamboo forest was bulldozed...
Gambia: Chinese Factory Is Polluting Nyambai Forest
By Mustapha Jallow Staff of the Forestry Department have accused a Chinese factory that burns tires within the periphery of Nyambai Forest of polluting the environment. When this reporter visited the factory he found two officials attached to the Brikama Nyambai...
How Pigs In China Are Killing People In Africa
These pictures were taken yesterday 10th of February 2019 in Tanji, The Gambia. Mountains of Bonga fish (Sardinella) are waiting next to the road to be transported and processed by the Chinese owned Golden Lead Factory in Gunjur. Since three years, this is happening...
GAMBIA: More Protests In Sanyang Over Fishmeal Factory
Paradise Beach in Sanyang, the Gambia. A pipeline from Nissim Fishmeal Factory is making it not so much 'Paradise' anymore. (Picture Momodou S. Janneh)[/caption] By Hatab Nyang A group of mainly women and youth were engaged in a protest in Sanyang, Kombo South...
Gambia: Our Forests Are Crying For Help
Gambia's forest is facing a heavy time. The country lost over 90.000 ha of forest the past years. Locals are fearing for future generations. Forests are very vital for life, home to thousands of animals and tree species, they protect the soil from erosion, produce...
BREAKING: Gunjur Six, The Activists That Removed The Golden Lead Pipeline, Are Discharged!
Justice prevails as Brikama Magistrates Court dropped charges against the Gunjur Six today. The youths who helped in the removal of the illegal pipeline from Golden Lead Factory in Gunjur were earlier this year arrested by the Gambian police in Gunjur (which are...
Gambia: Bolong Fenyo, the NEA And The Health Of The People Of Gunjur
Wetland Pollution at Bolong Fenyo Community Wildlife Reserve, in Gunjur: What does out of Court settlement between National Environment Agency and Chinese Golden Lead Fish Meal Processing Company means to the health of the wetland ecosystem in Bolong Fenyo and the...
In Images: The Gambia Is Sinking Into The Ocean
Climate change is taking its toll in the Gambia. The rising sea is rapidly eating the Gambian coastline and is a serious threat for its capitol Banjul. Many hotels are about to be swallowed by the ocean. The first ones already fell victim to climate change. ...
Gambia “Sustainable” Fishing Partnership Agreement in Numbers, Is it really Sustainable?
The raw facts on the EU-Gambia “Sustainable” Fishing Partnership Agreement (SFPA) do not make good reading for Gambia’s local fishing industry and Gambians at large. Instead of Gambia’s Fisheries Ministry agreeing on a deal to bring home €33,381,000 over six years at...
How President Barrow’s Mismanagement Is Destroying Tourism in the Gambia
Gambian fish stocks are rapidly depleting. Fish prizes on local markets are skyrocketing. Gambia has three fishmeal factories and the fourth one is being build as we speak in Denton Bridge. The amounts of fish that are processed daily are beyond anyone's imagination...
Gambia: Fishmeal Factory Turns Paradise Beach Into Hell
This is one of the most amazing beaches in the Gambia; Paradise beach in the village Sanyang. Since this week, Nissim Fishmeal Factory installed a new pipeline on this public beach that is loved by so many tourists. Local youths are angry and about to save their...
GAMBIA: Open letter to Honorable Lamin Dibba, Minster of Environment
Open letter to Honorable Lamin Dibba, Minster of Environment Mr Lamin Dibba, the honourable minister of Environment, I am writing to you not as a former classmate or a friend but as a concern Gambian environmental advocate. I would like to take this opportunity to...
How Gambia Is Selling Its Tuna For 136 Euro Per Ton To The EU
Gambia made a deal with the EU last Friday to sell 3300 tons of its tuna for only 136 euro per ton. Meanwhile, the EU Fish Price Report values tuna at 1.290 € per ton. Journalist Yusuf Taylor is making shocking calculations and able to ask some questions, you will not...
SHOCKING: The Silent Ecocide Of The Gambia
Since two years now a true silent ecocide is happening in the coastal villages of the Gambia. This is how a small Chinese company in Africa is able to enrich themselves, terrorize an entire village and destroy it's environment. In 2016, former president Jammeh invited...
Another dead whale found in Gunjur the Gambia
The amount of dead washed up cetaceans in the Gambia are rising to worrisome numbers. Yesterday another whale was found at Gunjur's beach. Yes, the same beach as where Golden Lead Factory is operating. Pilot Whale The species is confirmed to be pilot whale. Pilot...
Fishmeal factories in the Gambia
This is a mini documentary about the Chinese invasion of fishmeal factories in the Gambia seen through the eyes of the locals.

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